Lidia Steel Lancôme Ulysse Célestin SOUM bv Erevo Eveler goodsteps rh beem foxwoods lmm uptogether im


2022Particles Destruction


2022Unstable Floor

2022Mirror Icosahedron

2022Shader Flag

20223D Animation Scroll

20223D Particles

2022Haunted House

20223D Text

2022WebGL Video Slider

2021Horizontal Scroll (Desktop)

lidia lancome ulysse Célestin SOUM bv erevo eveler goodsteps rh beem foxwoods lmm uptogether im



La starutup Beem energy a crée une solution solaire facile à installer soi-même permettant de produire de l’électricité verte. Nous avons développé un site e-commerce sur-mesure et une application permettant de suivre la production des panneaux solaires des utilisateurs en temps réel.

  • TEST
  • TEST

    about / about / about / about / about

    about / about / about / about / about

    cedric gardianot

    Hi, I'm Cédric Gardianot, a creative developer based in France. I worked at Brick River Lab and Imagination Machine as a fullstack developer, where, in a team of three, I developed various projects, including SaaS products, e-commerce websites, showcase websites, and more.

    After working in a startup environment for 2 years I decided to start my independent journey and become a freelancer. I've always been passionate about interactive and immersive projects. I look forward to creating unique and playful solutions enhanced with a positive and memorable user experience.

    I am specialized in creative development, animation, micro-interactions, transitions and immersive 3D experiences. I work with WebGL and plain JavaScript, I also use NextJS. For content management I use Prismic or Sanity.

    I always monitor performance to make sure the overall feel stays the same across all devices, including mobile.

    Want to see more of my works ? Click HERE and enjoy !

    works / works / works / works / works

    works / works / works / works / works

    contact / contact / contact / contact / contact

    contact / contact / contact / contact / contact

    Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate with me, or simply have a chat
